Monday, December 31, 2007

From El Toro to Al-Qaeda

Independence Day and 9/11 Coincidences

By JV:

10 PM on December 21, 2007, the E-ACT cable channel played a "Special Edition" (9 extra minutes) of the 1996 film - Independence Day

I've noticed parallels to 9/11 in this movie and wondered if Al-Qaeda - or the Cheney Administration - was inspired by the film to do something "drastic" to bring the U.S. to war.
It isn't far fetched to think that Cheney or Osama Bin Laden (or both) would use film to brainwash the masses.

Think about the great movie THEY LIVE in regards to that.

And keep in mind how much hostility this movie garnered from the Middle East, upset with the heavy emphasis on Jewish culture. Judd Hirsch a.k.a. Alex Reiger from TV's TAXI overdoes the Julius Levinson role, as Harvey Fierstein does with his ultra-gay Marty Gilbert character.

All the minority extremes appear to be purposely overblown:

Jasmine (Vivica Fox), Will Smith's girlfriend, is a stripper, her minority status emphasized by Harry Connick Jr.

Harvey Fierstein is so overtly gay it hurts

Adam Baldwin (not one of the Baldwin brothers) is
Major Mitchell - a very stereotypical soldier (this Baldwin is in a stack of sci-fi movies)

Will Smith - of course - becomes a huge star after this, an African American who has a LOT of Sci-Fi to offer - I,Robot, I Am Legend, Men In Black I and II,
and even Wild Wild West (though it was a dud).

Only Will Smith is treated as just an average guy,
they don't throw his blackness in your face as they do the gay/jewish nature of good old Fierstein who is ALWAYS the Stereotype (making him poor old Harvey Fierstien).

Like, why couldn't Adam Baldwin be the gay guy? It would be as unobtrusive as Will Smith. But - no - the serious flaw of the movie, what makes it really
cheesy beyond the 1950s science fiction movie nods,
the poor character development and having a "flaming" queen as gay male instead of a macho guy.

The special effects are superb, and the conspiracy theory threads throughout the film after 9/11/2001 - five years two months and nine days after the film's American release on July 2, 1996, are eerie, to say the least.

More eerie because of how secretive our government has now become (all governments are secretive, but how much MORE secretive has ours become?) and the Bush family connection to the Bin laden family.

Someone is trying to tell us something.



Approximately 23 minutes into Independence Day a shadow falls
over the twin towers as the alien spacecraft then moves over them.

How chilling.

It then goes over the Empire State Building.

One minute later the alien spacecraft is seen and the
World Trade Center towers have no shadow.

Twenty eight minutes into the movie Randy Quaid as a very alcoholic Russel Casse says that the aliens have been watching us for years, looking for our weaknesses.
(Replace "aliens" with "Republicans" or "Al Qaeda" )

About 44 minutes in Jeff Goldblum tells President Bill Pullman "They're using our own satellites against us" (Al qaeda used our own planes against us)

As Pullman & Goldblum get on the airplane, Goldblum's computer reads in the countdown 9:11

After I wrote this I went on the internet to explore if other people got the "hints" and clues. They did.

Here's a photo of the 9:11 computer:

Notice it is from "Conspiracy Archive".com - how appropriate:

Time: 00:45:33 (Special Edition) 00:41:22 (Theatrical Version)
Scene: As Air Force 1 evacuates the President and his family, Jeff Goldblum sets a laptop up to watch the countdown. When the camera cuts to a close-up one of the ticks is 9:11:01.

51 Minutes In the Empire State Building is demolished in one huge fireball a la 9/11.

Note: Mistake Factual error: In the scene where the Empire State Building gets blown up, look to the right of the picture. The building next to it is the Citicorp Center. That is not right because Citicorp Center is on Lex between 53rd and 54th, while the ESB is on 34th and 5th.

1 minute later, Washington.

These are, of course, two of the targets of 9/11 - New York and Washington.

and remember:

Independence Day in the USA is July 4th - 7 + 4 = 11.


“Just Like Independence Day!” The Falling Towers On 9/11 and the Hegemonic Function of Intertextuality


Independence Day Cast

Errors in the film

Will Smith

Adam Baldwin

Adam Baldwin Talks About Independence Day

I also remember doing the scene where the alien is shot through the glass in the lab and his tentacles are flapping everywhere. The P.A.'s are out of frame flapping these tentacles around and Roland keeps yelling "Faster! Faster!" in his German accent and these poor P.A.'s shoulders are ready to fall off. Roland is laughing his head off and keeps them goin.! My memory of Dean on the set is that he always made sure my uniform was crisp. "We gotta make you look like a real soldier here," Dean would say. Dean has always treated me like a brother. I also remember thinking when I shot the coke can off the spacecraft in the film, in my presumptuous actor knowledge about military, I said, "Dean, you'd never shoot a gun off in a building like this". Dean said, "Just do it! People will believe it." and low and behold, people come up all the time and say, "you're the guy that shot the coke can in INDEPENDENCE DAY."

The Number 11 Mysteriously Dominates the Events of
the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks in the USA.

9/11 and the movie analogy

This YouTube is unfortunately, gone:
YouTube - 9-11 WTC & Armageddon Independence Day
9-11 WTC & Armageddon Independance Day Movie a Match. ... our ...
Hide video - 1 min 18 sec -

THEY LIVE - John Carpenter